回家路上,突然想起6年前的這個時候,在加拿大Singingw aters內在醫治課程中,讓內心得到極大平靜的一首歌~The Lord will carry me.聽著Bart的歌聲,我的心似乎找到共鳴,這時候才發覺在 醫院時,我不敢太多感受的情緒,一個人在車子裡開始慢慢傾瀉。
我的心似乎在透露著某種不安,使我不敢任意讓情感移動,透過歌曲 ,上帝不斷在告訴我,天父爸爸會背著我,天父爸爸會背著我,天父 爸爸會背著我!神是我患難與困難的幫助,神是我所需要的一切。潮 起潮落,神會背著我!天父爸爸會背著我。
隱約感覺爸爸內心的感受,讓我有種迫切感,求神賜給我力量能抓住 天父爸爸的背,求天父爸爸賜給我更多愛,求天父爸爸幫助我能體會 爸爸最大的需要,並且盡所能的去滿足。讓我能將天父的愛傳遞給我 的爸爸,願聖靈感動爸爸,親自經歷神的愛,領受永生的盼望。
這四年來,爸爸經歷胃癌切除2/ 3胃部,肝臟腫瘤切除手術,這次又是肝臟血管腫瘤拴篩手術,手術過 程使爸爸的腹部產生鈣化現象,從一小塊擴散成一大塊,如果要處理 只能手術把鈣化的肌肉部分切除,但若切除又擔心腸子會掉入切除後 的空間,造成疝氣。而如果不處理,爸爸腹部的疼痛越來越嚴重。求 神完全醫治,使腹部鈣化症狀被醫生做最好的醫治,也醫治爸爸肝臟 血管腫瘤的症狀。
請教會家人們為我爸爸代禱,求神醫治他明天的肝臟血管拴篩手術順 利,也醫治他腹部因手術造成的肌肉鈣化能有最好的醫治。
https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=usuhg073dkc
Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters;
and you who have no money, come, buy and eat!
Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost. - Isaiah 55:1 NIV
來,不需要錢和任何花費就可以買一些酒和牛奶。 以賽亞書55:1
The Lord will carry me...主會背著我
He will carry me.他會背著我
The Lord will carry me, 主會背著我
He will carry me.他會背著我
He is my refuge and my time of trouble.他是我困難時刻的避難所,
He is my refuge and my time of need. 他是我需要時刻的避難所
He is my refuge when I can't fact tomorrow.當我無法面對明天時,他是我的避難所
He is my refuge, yes He is all I need.是的,他是我一切所需,他是我的避難所
The Lord will carry me. 主會背著我
The river is high, the river is low, He will carry me.無論河水高漲或低落,他會背著我
The Lord will carry me. 主會背著我
The river is high, the river is low, He will carry me.無論河水高漲或低落,他會背著我
The Lord will carry me. 主會背著我
The river is high, the river is low, He will carry me.無論河水高漲或低落,他會背著我
The Lord will carry me. 主會背著我
The river is high, the river is low, He will carry me.無論河水高漲或低落,他會背著我
The Lord will carry me.https://www.youtube.com/
Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters;
and you who have no money, come, buy and eat!
Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost. - Isaiah 55:1 NIV
來,不需要錢和任何花費就可以買一些酒和牛奶。 以賽亞書55:1
He will carry me.他會背著我
The Lord will carry me, 主會背著我
He will carry me.他會背著我
He is my refuge and my time of trouble.他是我困難時刻的避難所,
He is my refuge and my time of need. 他是我需要時刻的避難所
He is my refuge when I can't fact tomorrow.當我無法面對明天時,他是我的避難所
He is my refuge, yes He is all I need.是的,他是我一切所需,他是我的避難所
The Lord will carry me. 主會背著我
The river is high, the river is low, He will carry me.無論河水高漲或低落,他會背著我
The Lord will carry me. 主會背著我
The river is high, the river is low, He will carry me.無論河水高漲或低落,他會背著我
The Lord will carry me. 主會背著我
The river is high, the river is low, He will carry me.無論河水高漲或低落,他會背著我
The Lord will carry me. 主會背著我
The river is high, the river is low, He will carry me.無論河水高漲或低落,他會背著我